IJRERD (ISSN: 2455-8761) Volume No. 06 - Issue No. 02, February 2021 S. No. Article Title & Author Name Page No. Download/View 1 A video surveillance framework for animal behavior analysis Miss. Siddhata B. Sarnaik || Prof. Dr. Mrs. K. V. Kulhali 01-05 2 Design of Subgrade for the Highway Transport by using Fiber Reinforcement P. N. Darde || Sudama Sharma 06-13 3 The Design of a Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Waste Network: Food Security and Public Health Leverage Adel Waleed Fadhel || Surendra M. Gupta 14-29 4 An empirical study of analyzing impact of seasonal changes on performance of manual work Dr. Deepti Rani 30-33 5 A new ID-based multi-proxy signature Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy 34-38 6 Use of Sensor Embedded Products to Tackle Fraud in Warranty Service for Remanufactured Products Aditya Pandit || Surendra M. Gupta 39-48